Over a number of years I have had the opportunity to write articles for Christian magazines and journals around all-age worship, boys and the church, and more general topics about children and family ministry. I am available to write articles on any of my areas of experience and knowledge. For my most recent pieces check the blog.
Church consultation
Having worked with many churches in reviewing and refreshing their work with children and families, I have plenty of experience to offer. By looking afresh and reviewing what is already happening, to vision-days, team training, and setting strategy, churches are renewed and able to refocus. I have also advised, supported and run recruitment processes for children, youth and family workers, beginning at consulting the church and wider community right through to on-going support and work-consultancy. All of these services are available for churches….just get in touch.
Nick’s practical advice and down-to-earth approach means that anyone can find encouragement, help and hope.
Speaking and training
As well as delivering training in my region for churches and organisations, I have also done keynote speaking and seminars at conferences around the UK and Ireland for many Christian and para-church organisations, denominations and events. From training on ‘Boys and the church’ through to ‘All-Age Worship’, ‘Vision and Strategy in Children’s Ministry’ and ‘Children and discipleship’ I have a huge range of interactive, humorous and energetic sessions to offer. I am also very experienced in delivering Safeguarding training following the C of E modules and bespoke training. If you want a keynote talk at an event, seminars, or specific training please contact me to discuss your needs further.
Personal support & mentoring
Many church-employed workers can feel isolated in their roles, and without some careful objective support their ‘heads down’ focus on the job can cause overwork, stress and resentment. Over many years I have had the pleasure and privilege of working individually with children, family, youth and intern workers to help them look at their role and work out both professional and personal strategies to develop in ministry. This personal support has ranged from offering regular mentoring meetings at the request of their employing church or agency, to one-off work consultancy and advice to help fresh thinking and innovation.