Christian community and our heroes!

Recently we saw the appropriate gatherings of communities across our south coast and in northern France to remember D Day, when the allies invaded France and began to push the invading Germans back. Many gave their lives in this conflict and they were rightly remembered, as well as giving thanks to those who returned or return from conflict injured. The remaining veterans don’t claim to be heroes – they just did what they had to do. They fought for us to be free – to be in our communities, to live in support of each other, and to be free to worship.

When thinking about freedom and community we should remember the huge amount of community work done nationally by churches. From Foodbanks to parent and toddler groups, or simply providing a space for people to meet and gather in community, the range of activities is vast. Perhaps the most unappreciated and undervalued work that churches do to serve communities is work with children. That very often takes the shape of parent and toddler groups, providing parents with places, safety, resources, friendship, and community spaces. These are very well-run, with people who don’t push faith down others’ throats, but share their belief and trust in Christ by the way they serve and use their skills. They are free to provide for their communities, and, like those veteran servicemen, would never claim to be heroes…but they are!

We all have benefit hugely from our church community gatherings and spaces, and need to value them and those who work through their faith to enhance our lives.

Nick Harding